Chicago was founded due to the fact that there was an easy link point between the Chicago River and the Des Plaines River. The spot was well known for a century before Jean Baptiste Point Sable, a black man possibly of Haitian origin, set up a trading post at the mouth of the river. MORE...
With its distinctive shape and colour, this 100 story building is easily on of the largest in the world. Designed by the engineer Fazlur Kahn and architect Bruce Graham, the building was completed in 1969 and was given a unique design, with X-braces serving both reinforce the building structurally. MAIN...
The Chicago Navy Pier is a large pier on Lake Michigan near a neighbourhood known as Streeterville. Finished in 1916, it was originally called the Chicago Municipal Pier. At the time of its construction it was the world's largest pier, being 292 ft wide and 3000ft long. MORE... The Shedd Aquarium is located on Chicago's Museum Campus. Built in 1929, it was given as a gift to the city of Chicago, so that citizens and visitors alike would have a place to view marine life. One of the first inland aquariums in the world. MORE...
The gothic style Tribune Tower serves not only as the Tribune Corporation’s headquarters, but the jewel in its architectural crown. Its builders selected by contest, the Tribune Tower serves as a tourist attraction for many of Chicago’s visitors. MORE... In the year 1871 the City of Chicago experience a fire that made 90000 people homeless. Before the fire the city was made of a mishmash of wooden houses, which had been hastily thrown up to make room for the new immigrants. After the fire, the only thing that remained was the water tower. MORE...
Any story that involves the Wriggly Building has to start with an introduction of the company that built it. William Wrigley, Jr. founded the Wrigley Company in 1891. He started out selling things like soap and baking powder. In 1892 the company started making chewing gum. MORE...
Bearing the moniker “The Friendly Confines”, Wriggly field is the third-smallest ballpark being used in North America. Soon to celebrate its 100th Birthday, the field has a capacity of just under 40,000 and is the second oldest major league ballpark currently in use. MORE...

Additional Sections Of Chicago USA

Chicago Field Museum

Chicago Science & Tech Museum

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